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Rock Star for the Night by Kori Gillis

Since Republic of Music is a weding band, live music cover band and party band that is not afraid to get down with the guests and interact, many times some of the guests are inspired to actually join the band on stage and become part of the entertainment. Many times, these guests are actually guests of honor! For example, on February 6th at a beautiful wedding in Lake Arrowhead, CA, the bride's hidden percussion talents came to the forefront when she sat in with the band as the "drummer bride" on a cover of Adele's "One and Only". Also, at a wedding reception in the elegant "Montage" resort in Laguna Beach, the father of the bride took center stage and led the band on guitar and vocals on several rock n' roll classics. He was obviously no stranger to performing with a live band, and the audience rocked out with him on every single song! So, if you have any secret musical talents, Republic of Music is the live music band that can be the big break you may be looking for to be "rock star for a night"!

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